Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Flip Flop Wreath

I got my inspiration from this: I tried her method on my flops and to no avail, the hot glue would not stick! SO, I got my creative juices flowing and.... Called my mom. Who suggested I try nailing or screwing the flops together. I decided that was a little too much but while we talked I had a revelation, a eureka if you will. A wire hanger would be perfect! So this is what ensued:

How to make a flip flop wreath

  1. Buy your supplies (or raid your kids closets for flip flops that don't fit and aren't all worn out). You will need:
    1. I used 4 pairs of size small flops. 
    2. Ribbon of some kind, I used a paper type.
    3. Hot glue, and lots of it.
    4. A metal hanger, I had trouble finding them in my house.
    5. About 4 or 5 twisty ties. 
  2. First I tried hot gluing them together like in the inspiration (see link at the beginning) but when that didn't work out I tried a coat hanger. I separated the ends and  formed it into a circle. It was not quite long enough to go all the way around but worked well. 
  3. I hot glued it to whatever part of flop it touched, heavily (I used 5 stick of glue total, overkill? Probably.) 
  4. The part of the wreath where it was too short I used a knife and cut holes in the flops where you couldn't see and secured with twisty ties. 
  5. After the glue had completely set I turned the wreath over and measured the ribbon so that it would hang a flip flop in the middle. 
  6. I used the hole in the flop trick with twisty ties to secure the ribbon to the flop. 
  7. I then used twisty ties to make the bow and secure it to the coat hanger loop. 
  8. Make sure all glue is set and there you have it! An awesomely cute summer wreath! I have gotten so many comments on how stinking cute this is since I made it!  
I would try to see if your hot glue will stick with your flops before going to the extent of using a hanger. Mine had trouble sticking to the soft soles, the bottoms and plastic stuck perfectly. Happy DIY!


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